Friday, November 4, 2011

Sultans of Steeze

The Sultans of Steeze is for the discerning, experienced old school skater who was riding back in the day.

In recent visits to the HopShop I have met a bunch of guys my age who are getting back into skateboarding. Like the Maidens of Steeze, we have a group that needs to be represented. Mark Knopfler sang about us - we are the Sultans of Steeze. If you are >40 then we should hook up and get some new school skating into our old school bodies. More importantly lets get some practice in so that we can prove to these young guns that we were legitimate custodians of the sport back in the 60's and 70's. I will put an event together so that we can have a roll at our pace and get rid of the cobwebs.Even if you have not skated before but are somewhere around the age demographic, you are welcome. For any of you groms wanting mum or dad to get into it, give them a nudge. I like skating with you young guys but would also like the chance to skate with people my own age.

That's Tom and I at Benbro's Murrays run

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