Thursday, October 27, 2011

Motorcycle Cop in St Leonards**Respect

I am the Secretary of the Rotary Club of Crows Nest. Part of my duties is to empty the Post Office Box regularly. I am not keen on jogging or anything that requires energy expended for no good reason or without a destination, so I jump on the skateboard and go to the PO Box at around 6am. First thing is to push on up to my favourite carpark - a wonderful double helix formation of ramps with 4 levels. After bombing the carpark I'm off up Herbert Street, onto the Pacific Highway along the footpath to the Post Office. With the mail safely in my pocket I head a little higher up the Pacific Highway and then cross over and descend the hill back to St Leonards. I keep trying to get the red light camera to catch me as I go through but it doesn't seem to happen. So a week or so ago, I was heading down the Pacific Highway going north - I was the only punter on my side of the road so I was carving across three lanes. I looked back and saw a motorcycle a long way back and didn't take a lot more notice. The road went from two lanes to three so I put my arm out to indicate that I was going to change lanes. Then the motorcycle was beside me with Police lights flashing, waving me to pull over. I footbraked to a stop and he looked a little surprised to see me. Instead of a 15 year old hooligan, he was faced with a 50 year old hooligan. What could he do?....he simply told me to be careful, outlining that cars could barely see him on his bike so what chance did I have.....he rode off and I rode off. An enjoyable encounter with the law.  

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