Saturday, January 14, 2012

What to do in Sydney - January 2012

My daughter Brittany and I were at a bit of a loose end in early January. Brit had been back in Australia for a few short weeks and we needed to do some father daughter stuff. We grabbed our skateboards, hopped aboard a train at St Leonards and got off at Milsons Point. We climbed the stairs on the western side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and set of for a bit of a skatey run. The bridge can be a bit quick so we were just carving all of the way down to the Sydney Observatory. A quick photo moment and we moved on to the Rocks.

 Down through the Rocks and up through the passenger terminal to Circular Quay and off to a 7/11 for a slushee. Brain freeze, refreshment and sugar and we set off up through Martin Place and up to Macquarie Street. We rode Macquarie Street and past the Hyde Park Barracks and on to Art Gallery Road. We stopped in at the Art Gallery for a quick look at the Picasso stuff and a bit of 'culcher'.

Where in the world could this rider come from?

After a banquet of cultural delights we rode down Art Gallery Road to Mrs Macquarie's Chair to enjoy the magnificence of the vista....simply splendid.
We skated around the Botanic Gardens to the opra House and enjoyed some more scenery.

Near some bridge

The simple things in life are often the best.

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