Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to brake on a Skateboard

It is sometimes said that there is no way to slow down a skateboard; it is also said that due to the absence of visible brakes that skateboarders can not brake or stop. I am here to tell you that is a myth. Watch the video and check Patrick Switzers technique for braking at high speed.....hmmmm around the 100 km/h at the Dipper braking for Forrests Elbow. Forrests Elbow, incidentally, is not related to the shape of the corner but the fact that Jack Forrest, a motorcycle racer scraped his elbow away after laying down his bike – it is a fast, descending left-hand turn that leads on to Conrod Straight. The video shows Kevin Reimer, James Kelly and Patrick Switzer having some fun on Mt Panorama. If that is fun, then adrenalin is brown....

Top Guns at Newtons 2010 - brake before Forrests Elbow

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