Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Saurus is not extinct

One of the Naremburn locals, drops into the Hopshop for a chat, bought his daughter a longboard for Christmas (what all responsible parents are doing this year). We started talking surfa sam, 70's skating and before too long the topic gets on to thong rubber and how he used it as a bushing in his trucks. I think every kid in Australia in the 70's spontaneously thought of thong rubber as bushings. However he said it like, I cut up my uncle's thongs to use as bushings in my Edwards trucks on my Saurus. Said it so casually like everyone has a Saurus in their garage. Of course I made him go home and get it, it is now on the hopshop wall !!!
DHD is dropping by next week to pick up some trucks, I wonder if he'll notice the new addition to the hopshop wall.

Bruce with his Saurus

1 comment:

  1. Love the Blog Bruiser; great design and words, and as always with you - lots of fascinating quotes and insights!
    Look forward to reading heaps more
    Spin often, stay safe
